Results for 'D. J. Bolton'

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  1.  72
    The Fulfilment of the Law.D. J. Bolton - 1917 - International Journal of Ethics 27 (2):200-212.
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    Merus Thyonianus.J. D. P. Bolton - 1967 - The Classical Review 17 (01):12-.
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  3. On the causal role of meaning.D. Bolton & J. Hill - 1997 - In Michael J. Power & C. R. Brewin, The Transformation of Meaning in Psychological Therapies: Integrating Theory and Practice. John Wiley.
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  4. Mind, Meaning and Mental Disorder.D. Bolton & J. Hill - 1998 - Philosophy 73 (285):504-508.
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  5.  40
    Was the Neronia a Freak Festival?J. D. P. Bolton - 1948 - Classical Quarterly 42 (3-4):82-.
    In A.D. 60 Nero instituted at Rome a quinquennale certamen which he called Neronia. It was in three sections—athletics, chariot-racing, and music —after a Greek model. This model would be that of the Pythian rather than of the Olympic Games, for at the latter there was no regular musical contest; though perhaps Nero got his immediate inspiration from the Augustalia at Naples, which was an athletic and musical festival of a religious nature.
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  6.  72
    A Locus Vexatus in Lucan.J. D. P. Bolton - 1950 - The Classical Review 64 (3-4):90-94.
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  7.  29
    Horace's Earliest Ode?J. D. P. Bolton - 1967 - Classical Quarterly 17 (02):451-.
    ‘Shameful are the scars inflicted by the sin of fraternal strife! What has ourunconscionable generation shunned, what abomination left undone? Ourgodless soldiery has held nothing sacred. I pray that Fortune may, on a new anvil, give our blunted swords another shape, to use against Massagetae andArabs!‘.
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  8.  62
    Opening the word hoard.G. Bolton, A. Howe, N. Battye, A. Ellis, D. Gelipter & J. McIlraith - 2008 - Medical Humanities 34 (1):47-52.
    Commentator: Mark Purvis Commentator: Sheena McMain Commentator: Clare Connolly Commentator: Maggie Eisner Commentator: Shirley Brierley Commentator: Becky Ship.
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  9.  33
    A Curiosity in Seneca.J. D. P. Bolton - 1956 - Classical Quarterly 6 (3-4):238-.
    Thus the passage is printed in the Teubner edition of Seneca's Dialogues by E. Hermes, who, on the strength of Aen. 8. 702 f. , adds a note on the quotation ‘versus sunt Vergilii a Seneca licenter mutati’. Now the imputation to Seneca of such gross alteration of Virgil can only be supported if we disregard or eject the evidence to the contrary. As only the last five words are actually Virgilian; as Seneca himself says ‘aput vate nostra?’; as out (...)
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  10.  34
    Notes on Valerius Flaccus.J. D. P. Bolton - 1957 - The Classical Review 7 (02):104-106.
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  11. From Puzzles to Principles?: Essays on Aristotle's Dialectic.Allan Bäck, Robert Bolton, J. D. G. Evans, Michael Ferejohn, Eugene Garver, Lenn E. Goodman, Edward Halper, Martha Husain, Gareth Matthews & Robin Smith - 1999 - Lexington Books.
    Scholars of classical philosophy have long disputed whether Aristotle was a dialectical thinker. Most agree that Aristotle contrasts dialectical reasoning with demonstrative reasoning, where the former reasons from generally accepted opinions and the latter reasons from the true and primary. Starting with a grasp on truth, demonstration never relinquishes it. Starting with opinion, how could dialectical reasoning ever reach truth, much less the truth about first principles? Is dialectic then an exercise that reiterates the prejudices of one's times and at (...)
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  12.  54
    Pythagorean Forgeries. [REVIEW]J. D. P. Bolton - 1963 - The Classical Review 13 (1):33-35.
  13.  51
    The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey: Baryon acoustic oscillations in the data releases 10 and 11 galaxy samples. [REVIEW]Lauren Anderson, Éric Aubourg, Stephen Bailey, Florian Beutler, Vaishali Bhardwaj, Michael Blanton, Adam S. Bolton, J. Brinkmann, Joel R. Brownstein, Angela Burden, Chia-Hsun Chuang, Antonio J. Cuesta, Kyle S. Dawson, Daniel J. Eisenstein, Stephanie Escoffier, James E. Gunn, Hong Guo, Shirley Ho, Klaus Honscheid, Cullan Howlett, David Kirkby, Robert H. Lupton, Marc Manera, Claudia Maraston, Cameron K. McBride, Olga Mena, Francesco Montesano, Robert C. Nichol, Sebastián E. Nuza, Matthew D. Olmstead, Nikhil Padmanabhan, Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille, John Parejko, Will J. Percival, Patrick Petitjean, Francisco Prada, Adrian M. Price-Whelan, Beth Reid, Natalie A. Roe, Ashley J. Ross, Nicholas P. Ross, Cristiano G. Sabiu, Shun Saito, Lado Samushia, Ariel G. Sánchez, David J. Schlegel, Donald P. Schneider, Claudia G. Scoccola, Hee-Jong Seo, Ramin A. Skibba, Michael A. Strauss, Molly E. C. Swanson, Daniel Thomas, Jeremy L. Tinker, Rita Tojeiro, Mariana Vargas Magaña, Licia Verde & Dav Wake - unknown
    We present a one per cent measurement of the cosmic distance scale from the detections of the baryon acoustic oscillations in the clustering of galaxies from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey, which is part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III. Our results come from the Data Release 11 sample, containing nearly one million galaxies and covering approximately 8500 square degrees and the redshift range 0.2 < z < 0.7. We also compare these results with those from the publicly released (...)
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  14.  22
    Gillen D’Arcy Wood. Tambora: The Eruption That Changed the World. xiv + 291 pp., illus., tables, bibl., index. Princeton, N.J./Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2014. $29.95. [REVIEW]Conevery Bolton Valencius - 2016 - Isis 107 (1):198-199.
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  15.  23
    The Numismatic Evidence For The Neronia.D. W. Macdowall - 1958 - Classical Quarterly 8 (3-4):192-.
    J. D. P. Bolton has argued in the C.Q. 1948 that although there is some confusion in the use of the term ‘quinquennalis’ in the first century A.D., the linguistic and literary evidence suggests that the Neronia was a four-yearly festival, that the celebration which Tacitus records in 65 was merely a postponement of part of the celebration due in 64, and that such a view is supported by the evidence of Nero's issues of Certamen Quinquennale semisses. Bolton (...)
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  16.  86
    Postclassica (1) Léon Herrmann: Querolus. (See C.R. LII. 48.) (2) Caro Lynn: A College Professor of the Renaissance. (LI. 208.) (3) Series Archiepiscoporum Cantuariensiutn. (LI. 160.) (4-6) J. D. P. Bolton, H. A. P. Fisher, H. Thomson. (LI. 158.) (7) Prope sacellum Ioannis Pascoli, etc. (LI. 246.) (8) H. D. Watson: Jabberwocky, etc. (LI. 246.) (9) H. K. St. J. Sanderson: Vtraque lingua. (LI. 246.). [REVIEW]Stephen Gaselee - 1938 - The Classical Review 52 (04):134-135.
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  17.  68
    Method in Ancient Greek Philosophy.J. Gentzler (ed.) - 1998 - Clarendon Press.
    Method in Ancient Philosophy brings together fifteen new, specially written essays by leading scholars on a broad subject of central importance. The ancient Greeks recognized that different forms of human activity are guided by different methods of reasoning; examination of how they reasoned, and how they thought about their own reasoning, helps us to see how they came to hold the views they did, and how our own methods of enquiry have developed under their influence. Contributors include Terence Irwin, Patricia (...)
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  18.  43
    D. J. Snider's "a walk in hellas".D. J. Snider & W. T. H. - 1882 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 16 (1):96 - 97.
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  19. Asmuth, J., B51.J. Atkinson, E. Balaban, E. Barenholtz, D. Bavelier, R. J. R. Blair, K. Breckenridge, N. Burgess, B. Butterworth, J. Call & J. Collins - 2006 - Cognition 101:545-546.
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  20.  45
    Managing Coastal Resource in the 21st Century.M. P. Weinstein, R. C. Baird, D. O. Conover, M. Gross, F. W. J. Keulartz, D. K. Loomis, Z. Naveh, S. B. Peterson, D. J. Reed, E. Roe, R. L. Swanson, J. A. A. Swart, J. M. Teal, H. J. Turner & H. J. Windt - unknown
    Coastal ecosystems are increasingly dominated by humans. Consequently, the human dimensions of sustainability science have become an integral part of emerging coastal governance and management practices. But if we are to avoid the harsh lessons of land management, coastal decision makers must recognize that humans are one of the more coastally dependent species in the biosphere. Management responses must therefore confront both the temporal urgency and the very real compromises and sacrifices that will be necessary to achieve a sustainable coastal (...)
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  21.  38
    A study on the early-stage decomposition in the Al–Mg–Si–Cu alloy AA6111 by electrical resistivity and three-dimensional atom probe.S. Esmaeili, D. Vaumousse, M. W. Zandbergen, W. J. Poole, A. Cerezo & D. J. Lloyd - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (25):3797-3816.
  22.  31
    Mind, meaning and mental disorder by D. Bolton and J. hill. Oxford medical publications, 1996, pp. 386, £45.Paul Sturdee - 1998 - Philosophy 73 (3):495-523.
  23. Cummiskey, D.-Kantian Consequentialism.J. D. G. Evans - 1998 - Philosophical Books 39:128-129.
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  24. Day, J., 167 Deci, EL, 56 De Ruyter, 62 Descarte, R., 41.J. Dewey, P. Dhillon, J. Diamond, E. Diener, S. E. Dimond, W. Dodds, J. M. Dostoevsky, D. D'Souza, C. Dyer & A. Edelstein - 2010 - In Yvonne Raley & Gerhard Preyer, Philosophy of education in the era of globalization. New York: Routledge. pp. 231.
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  25.  18
    (1 other version)Texture development and deformation mechanisms during uniaxial straining of U–Nb shape-memory alloys.R. D. Field *, D. W. Brown & D. J. Thoma - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (23):2593-2609.
  26. On the intuitive understanding of nonlocality as implied by quantum theory.D. J. Bohm & B. J. Hiley - 1975 - Foundations of Physics 5 (1):93-109.
    We bring out the fact that the essential new quality implied by the quantum theory is nonlocality; i.e., that a system cannot be analyzed into parts whose basic properties do not depend on the state of the whole system. This is done in terms of the causal interpretation of the quantum theory, proposed by one of us (D.B.) in 2952, involving the introduction of the “quantum potential.” We show that this approach implies a new universal type of description, in which (...)
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  27.  61
    Contradiction Club: Dialetheism and the Social World.Matthew J. Cull & Emma Bolton - 2019 - Journal of Social Ontology 5 (2):169-180.
    Putative examples of true contradictions in the social world have been given by dialetheists such as Graham Priest, Richard Routley, and Val Plumwood. However, we feel that it has not been decisively argued that these examples are in fact true contradictions rather than merely apparent. In this paper we adopt a new strategy to show that there are some true contradictions in the social world, and hence that dialetheism is correct. The strategy involves showing that a group of sincere dialetheists (...)
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  28.  32
    Hymenæi: Ben jonson's masque of union.D. J. Gordon - 1945 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 8 (1):107-145.
  29.  62
    Flawed Expectations: The Reception of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, by Michael J. Wrenn and Kenneth D. Whitehead.D. J. Dooley - 1998 - The Chesterton Review 24 (1/2):123-129.
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  30. Ecological specialization and generalization.D. J. Futuyma - 2001 - In C. W. Fox D. A. Roff, Evolutionary Ecology: Concepts and Case Studies. pp. 177--189.
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  31. P. Julius Costa-rossetti S. J.D. J. D. J. - 1900 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 13:219.
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  32.  87
    Une formule platonicienne de récurrence. Édouard Des Places, S.J. Pp. 57. Paris : Société d'Édition 'Les Belles Lettres,' 1929. Paper, 10 fr. [REVIEW]J. D. Denniston - 1929 - The Classical Review 43 (06):235-.
  33.  77
    Nature, Education and Freedom According to Jean-Jacques Rousseau.D. J. Allan - 1937 - Philosophy 12 (46):191 - 207.
    Do the most celebrated works of Rousseau—more particularly his Discourse on Inequality, émile , and Control Social —present on the whole a coherent answer to the problems of Education and Society? My impression is that Rousseau has here been very much calumniated, owing to the incredible haste and superficiality with which his writings have generally been studied. Even sympathetic inquirers, like M. Schinz in his thorough and attractive work La Pensée de J. J. Rousseau , seem to be too easily (...)
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  34. Essay.D. J. Wood - 1994 - Business and Society 33 (1):101-105.
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  35.  94
    Multiple Conclusion Logic.D. J. Shoesmith & Timothy John Smiley - 1978 - Cambridge, England / New York London Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. Edited by T. J. Smiley.
    Multiple -conclusion logic extends formal logic by allowing arguments to have a set of conclusions instead of a single one, the truth lying somewhere among the conclusions if all the premises are true. The extension opens up interesting possibilities based on the symmetry between premises and conclusions, and can also be used to throw fresh light on the conventional logic and its limitations. This is a sustained study of the subject and is certain to stimulate further research. Part I reworks (...)
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  36.  20
    An English Printing of "Les Bijoux indiscrets".D. J. Adams - 1986 - Diderot Studies 22:13 - 15.
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  37.  39
    De Caelo.D. J. Allan (ed.) - 2005 - Clarendon Press.
    This new translation of _De Caelo_ fits seamlessly with other volumes in the New Hackett Aristotle series, enabling Anglophone readers to study Aristotle’s work in a way previously not possible. The Introduction describes the book that lies ahead, explaining what it is about, what it is trying to do, how it goes about doing it, and what sort of audience it presupposes. Sequentially numbered endnotes provide the information most needed at each juncture, while a detailed Index indicates the places where (...)
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  38.  41
    Scientific Uses of Imagination.D. J. Taylor - 1987 - The Chesterton Review 13 (4):562-563.
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  39.  44
    The Chestertonian Side of Household Autonomy.D. J. Taylor - 1995 - The Chesterton Review 21 (1/2):270-271.
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  40.  39
    The Practical Value of Theory.D. J. Taylor - 1995 - The Chesterton Review 21 (1/2):278-280.
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  41.  9
    Huisbesoek.D. J. Booysen - 1990 - HTS Theological Studies 46 (4).
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  42.  10
    Close to Home : An American Album : Exposition Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum, 12.10.2004-16.1.2005.D. J. Waldie - 2004 - J. Paul Getty Museum.
    " Waldie speculates on the meanings and implications of the snapshots in this book and of snapshots generally, which he sees as expressions of "the hunger of memory.".
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  43. Being Human: Ethics, Environment, and Our Place in the World. By Anna L. Peterson.D. J. Dietrich - 2003 - The European Legacy 8 (5):659-659.
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  44.  13
    Die verhouding tussen kerk en staat: Enkele modelle met verwysing na die reg van opstand teen die staat.D. J. Smith - 1988 - HTS Theological Studies 44 (2).
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  45. McCRACKEN, D. J. - Thinking and Valuing. [REVIEW]J. P. Corbett - 1953 - Mind 62:282.
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  46.  34
    On the Manuscripts of the De Caelo of Aristotle.D. J. Allan - 1936 - Classical Quarterly 30 (01):16-.
    Thetext of the de Caelo was the subject of an interesting article in the Rivista Storia Antica, N.S. IX, by Dr. R. Rubrichi; he showed that where the manuscriptsdiverge, we ought to bring in the evidence of Simplicius, and that when we look closely into the sense, the commentator's reading is in most cases decidedly preferable; he also established a fact which is familiar from editions of the othér physical treatises, namely that there is some specially close affinity between the (...)
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  47.  10
    'n Prakties-Teologiese ondersoek na die invloed van buisbesoek op erediensbywoning binne die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika.D. J. Booysen - 1996 - HTS Theological Studies 52 (4).
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  48. The de Broglie pilot wave theory and the further development of new insights arising out of it.D. J. Bohm & B. J. Hiley - 1982 - Foundations of Physics 12 (10):1001-1016.
    We briefly review the history of de Broglie's notion of the “double solution” and of the ideas which developed from this. We then go on to an extension of these ideas to the many-body system, and bring out the nonlocality implied in such an extension. Finally, we summarize further developments that have stemmed from de Broglie's suggestions.
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  49.  41
    On the transfer from iconic to short-term memory.D. J. Mewhort, P. M. Merikle & M. P. Bryden - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (1):89.
  50.  25
    V.—critical notices.D. J. Allan - 1949 - Mind 58 (229):94-100.
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